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Prathyusha Kuppili

AWS and App developer

Prathyusha Kuppili is an AWS and App developer at Rhenix LifeSciences. She is responsible for AWS services and their integration along with the cloud technologies such as AWS Lambda, EC2, and S3. She is responsible for designing, developing, and testing iOS applications and maintaining the AWS infrastructure.


Prathyusha has a bachelor's degree in Information Technology from GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam, Andhra Pradesh. She has also completed various projects in App development and Machine learning.


At Rhenix, she has the opportunity to work on various projects, which will help to enhance her development skills. She is gaining a thorough understanding of cloud technologies such as AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure.


Summary "Deep learning-based six-type classifier for lung cancer, and mimics from histopathological whole slide images."

The development and application of deep learning techniques in the field of medical image analysis have seen significant advancements in recent years. One particularly promising area of research is the use of deep...

Lung Cancer


Deep learning-based six-type classifier for lung cancer, and mimics from histopathological whole slide images | Cell talk

The development and application of deep learning techniques in the field of medical image analysis have seen significant advancements in recent years. One particularly promising area of research is the use of deep learning-based classifiers for...

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